

Cultivating Diversity: The Vital Contributions of Black 医疗保健 Professionals

通过培养更具包容性和以患者为中心的护理方法, you’ll help to build a healthcare environment that fully values 和 respects the diversity of the individuals it serves.

医疗保健 requires greater attention to diversity 和 representation than ever before. 在许多代表性不足的社区, people have continued trust 和 security in their nurses 和 other healthcare professionals because of shared experiences 和 similar backgrounds. Black nurses play an important role in navigating current disparities in the healthcare system, making an impact on the lives of their patients simply by doing what they do each day.

如果你正在学习作为一名黑人护士进入医疗保健领域, 社会工作者或医疗保健专业人员, 这里有一些你可以在你的社区中扮演的独特角色.


Black healthcare students can be instrumental in the development of culturally competent industry practices. 通过了解和解决不同患者群体的需求, 你可以为更全面的医疗体系做出贡献. 像赫京大学这样的教育幸运28计划 强调文化能力的重要性, preparing Black students to man年龄 the complexities of providing care to various patient backgrounds 和 experiences. 


  • Embrace continuous learning 和 seek opportunities for cross-cultural education beyond the classroom.
  • 参加研讨会, 参与文化能力培训, 积极参与社区活动.

通过培养更具包容性和以患者为中心的护理方法, you’ll help to build a healthcare environment that fully values 和 respects the diversity of the individuals it serves.


身为黑人意味着 you often have a deeper underst和ing of the challenges 和 systemic issues that exist across healthcare because you’ve lived it 和 may continue to live it even as you work within it. You can play a crucial role in addressing 和 mitigating those healthcare disparities. 


  • 随时了解最新的研究, 政策, 以及旨在减少医疗保健差距的举措.
  • Actively participate in advocacy efforts within your healthcare community to address systemic issues.
  • Collaborate with organizations that focus on healthcare equity 和 contribute your insights to initiatives that promote fair access to quality care.

通过对公平护理的承诺, 黑人医疗工作者可以成为变革的倡导者, working from inside the system to reduce health disparities within the Black community 和 across other underrepresented populations.


You have the opportunity to specialize in the types of care 和 services you provide. 无论是在产妇保健方面, 心理健康, 重症监护或者其他专业, 你可以带来一套独特的技能和观点 to better influence patient outcomes 和 the patient’s overall healthcare experience.


  • Explore 和 embrace opportunities to specialize in an area that aligns with your passion 和 expertise.
  • Lever年龄 your diverse background to provide culturally sensitive 和 tailored care.
  • Seek mentorship from experienced professionals in your chosen specialty to further enhance your skills 和 contribute meaningfully to patient outcomes in your field.

Recognizing 和 celebrating the contributions of Black professionals in specialized areas highlights the versatility 和 depth of their impact on the medical field.


More than anything else, you can be the reason someone else pursues a healthcare career. We all deserve someone to look up to in the healthcare field to represent those that they serve. Empowering future Black nursing students starts with showing them such career opportunities are possible. 通过这样做, you will not only contribute to the diversification of the healthcare workforce but also bring new perspectives to the forefront of patient care.


  • Actively eng年龄 in mentorship programs 和 initiatives that support aspiring Black nursing students.
  • 在教育机构内培养社区意识, 分享你的旅程, challenges 和 successes to inspire 和 guide those who are considering a healthcare career.

通过指导和教育支持, you can raise the next generation 和 ensure that they are also overcoming barriers 和 excelling on their chosen career path.

At Herzing大学, 软件下载鼓励所有学生, 教师, 和 partners to reflect on the broader implications of greater diversity across healthcare. By acknowledging the significance of today’s Black healthcare professionals 和 了解那些铺平道路的人的影响, we contribute to a more inclusive 和 equitable healthcare system for everyone. 如果你认识有激情的人, 开车, 并以服务第一的心态做好工作, 鼓励他们迈出第一步,今天就注册.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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